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Featured Ads
If you'd like for your ad to be featured here, choose the "feature this ad" option while posting your local or all cities ad. Why should you feature your ad? As a rule, featured ads receive significantly more visits. Here's why:

Featured ads have the FEATURED sign on them.
Featured ads appear above the free / regular ads.
Featured ads appear in the home page slider.
Featured ads come up first in search results.
Featured ads cannot be flagged for removal by users.

And... Featured ads do not have to be posted in the right categories. You can post your featured ad in any category you choose.
SELECT a.*, ct.cityname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.createdon) AS timestamp, feat.adid AS isfeat, COUNT(*) AS piccount, MIN(p.picfile) AS picfile, scat.subcatname, scat.catid, cat.catname FROM clf_ads a INNER JOIN clf_featured feat ON a.adid = feat.adid AND feat.adtype = 'A' AND feat.featuredtill >= NOW() INNER JOIN clf_cities ct ON a.cityid = ct.cityid INNER JOIN clf_subcats scat ON a.subcatid = scat.subcatid INNER JOIN clf_cats cat ON scat.catid = cat.catid LEFT OUTER JOIN clf_adpics p ON a.adid = p.adid AND p.isevent = '0' WHERE a.enabled = '1' AND a.verified = '1' AND a.expireson >= NOW() AND a.paid <> '0' GROUP BY a.adid ORDER BY a.createdon DESC LIMIT 20Server shutdown in progress